It's been a long time since I've had that sweet kiss. You know, that sugary treat in festive foil. I finally had my long-awaited choclately kiss this morning. I only buy them once a year, so that first one is the sweetest.
I know this sounds cute, but the truth is I'm trying to squeeze in all the responsibilities of Christmas with my work life. There really was no time for breakfast this morning, so I enjoyed a few kisses for a temporary fix.
Care for my older friend, responsibiities for tonight's annual neighborhood Christmas party, shopping/wrapping/packing/mailing boxes to the east coast, the midwest and the northwest, endless calls and paperwork for our son - whew! So much to be done. Little time for trivial tasks such as eating. I'm exaggerating, but there are days when it's grab and go all day long.
Trying to explain our life as parents of special needs kids/adults is challenging. When the boys were little, I was so stressed and busy that I skipped my dental appointments - for six years! Thankfully God protected my teeth! We know we need to strap on the "oxygen mask" first, but it's not always easy to do. Time is a freedom that we are not always granted.
This year though, I have stayed more balanced with investing morning time with the Lord. There's no sweeter kiss than this. Connecting with Jesus has brought me an extra measure of peace this Christmas season. It feels like my time is stretched, which is a good thing since I spent a week in bed recuperating from surgery last week. I have been able to get more done in a shorter amount of time. I'm still trying to figure this out because it doesn't make sense. Supernatural for sure.
Would you like your coffee and a kiss? Get your steamy mug and your Bible and afterward, let your spirit mingle with God's. It's exquisite, restorative, life-giving.
I hope your Christmas season is filled with the fun and festivities of Christmas - as well as the love, peace and joy that only our manger baby can give us. The sweetest kiss ever!
See you next time at www.sparklinghope.net. I would love for you to visit my Sparkling Hope Facebook and Instagram pages! For more of my transformative stories, you can buy my book, "The Song of My Hope" on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and AppleiTunes.