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Author Unknown

The Weaver

Tapestry being woven on a loom

I discovered a poem many years ago. It spoke to me about trusting God in the midst of pain. In raising special needs children, there is often a question regarding "Why?" There are no easy answers. Sometimes the only answer is simply to let go and trust God. He created your child. He loves us and our children dearly. So I hope this poem titled "The Weaver" will inspire you as it did me so many years ago.

My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me,

I cannot choose the colors

He worketh steadily.

Oft times He weaveth sorrow,

and I in foolish pride,

forget He sees the upper

and I, the underside.

Not 'till the loom is silent,

and the shuttles cease to fly,

shall God unroll the canvas

and explain the reasons why...

The dark threads are as needed

in the Weaver's skillful hand,

as the threads of gold and silver

in the pattern He has planned.


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