If you're like me and every other person on this planet, you are thinking about how you will achieve your desired goals for 2019. Good intentions keep you afloat for a few weeks. Inevitably, your shiny goals become dull and you slough them off like a wet coat.
Why is this? According to clinical psychologist Joseph J. Luciani, Ph.D.,once we start to feel uncomfortable, we flee. We all have a hard time with self-discipline. The only way to get to a higher level is to endure discomfort. ("Why 80% of New Year's Resolutions Fail, U.S. News, Health, December 29, 2015, www.health.usnews.com).
Joseph J. Luciani goes on to say, "Like a muscle, you need to develop your self-discipline muscle, one challenge at a time." He also states that every change begins with your brain.
I agree with both of those statements and in my November 10, 2017 blog, "From Nothing to Something" I wrote about how to achieve a goal from a spiritual perspective.
All goals require faith. The definition of faith is described in the Bible in Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." The first part - being sure of what we hope for - is a good starting point.
Here's a concrete plan to achieve this: 1) write down your goal, 2) pray for it, 3) verbalize it throughout the day, 4) visualize it, 5) talk about it in the present tense, 6) start thanking God for allowing you to achieve this goal, and finally 7) trust and believe it will happen! When we achieve step 7, we are exercising our "faith" muscle. We are learning to be "certain of what we do not see!" This is the hardest part. This is uncomfortable at first. The more we practice believing, the easier it will become, with time.
Finally, I am going to remember to give myself grace with each little failure. I am going to be kinder to myself this year. I am going to be more accepting of my faults this year. I will still work on improving my areas of weaknesses, but as I give myself grace, I will live a more peaceful, restful life. To be honest - this is one of my highest goals - to live in a state of peace!
If you'd like to read more about how to achieve peace, joy and health - visit me at www.sparklinghope.net. I share every Friday morning. God bless you as you set your goals!